Clear Skin, Delivered.

Experience personalized acne treatment right from the comfort of your home.


Acne treatment made just for you!

Alexeera is the first online service dedicated to providing personalized acne treatments by certified dermatologists without long waiting times and effort to go to a clinic.

How it works?

Take your free online skin assessment

By clicking Get Started Now & answering questions about your acne-affected areas, you receive a diagnosis by our doctors in 24 hours.

Personalized Acne Treatment is Compiled

For your unique skin condition you'll receive a tailored treatment package including the most affected ingredients & proven medications.

Free Treatment Package Delivery to Your Door

With our free delivery your journey starts with in 24 hours & you'll benefit from our regular check-ins to monitor your skin progress.


Made using clean, non-toxic ingredients, our products are designed for everyone.

"I like the progress and I really feel my skin is better now. I would definitely recommend it to everyone with skin problems."

Aya S.

Week 10

"I haven't been wearing as much foundation because I feel like my acne is starting to go away."

Rasha M.

Week 8

"My irritated skin is calming down and I get breakouts less often."

Basel K.

Week 12


Questions we get asked a lot.

You fill out the skin assessment questionnaire online, whenever you want. This information & a picture of your skin affected acne parts are from a medical viewpoint enough to make a diagnosis. After our doctor receives the information a treatment plan is drafted to your needs and sent to you via mail. It takes 24 hours.

The treatment package will be compiled based on your treatment plan recommended by the doctor. The evidence-based products are from our partner pharmacy Al Hajery. The package is compiled here and delivered to you on the same day.

Every treatment set includes the topical medication for the actual acne treatment, a moisturizer and peeling for the skin care routine. 

The dermatologist is 24/7 receiving the information of the online skin assessment. If you went once through the assessment and registered you have the possibility to contact the dermatologist via the online chat.


Delivered to your doorstep

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Trust us, your skin will thank you

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